
A new guy sandwiches Why A Christmas Tree Is Better Than A Women Top Ten Reasons Women Want Men To Say "I Love You" Perfect Penis
Afraid of Bees Liver and Cheese The parrot with no feet Three mice at the bar Republicans
Democrats Bill Clintons Misc Politics Business People Light Bulb Jokes
The Man Dictionary Rules to be a Man!!! Only when he’s drunk! Going to the Bar? Men and their tools!
Training Courses for Men Men & Women: The Difference Why E-mail is like a penis... Top 10 Signs You’ve Got A Bad ISP... Programmer’s Translation
Laws Of Unreliability The Work Virus Bill Gates 2000 Darwin Award Winners 1999 Darwin Award Winners
10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under 10 Signs your at a bad zoo 12 Ways to tell if your a "Hightech Redneck" 20 George Carlin - Things to think about 100 reasons it’s great to be a guy
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Hotel Translations Corporate Definitions You Might Be an E.R. Doctor if... Duck Hunt Things You Don’t Want to Hear During Surgery
Your Dog is dead Shingles A short history of medicine Bad News Doctors and lightbulbs
Doctor, Quickies Yo mama so... Yo mama so ugly... Yo mama so stupid... Yo mama so fat...
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A School-report Improvement A Family Quarrel When do people talk least three girls
Ball Study The Lying Sermon cost of tooth bad news and very bad news 2 bad news and very bad news
difference missed school all of me thank goodness how did shakespeare write master pieces?
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